I love to give… it’s not my first nor strongest motivational gift. But giving is great and doesn’t have to be a motivational gift to be able to flow from your heart. It’s an attitude towards God and the people around you. It’s an expression of Love…
I haven’t always been a giver – in fact, I have spent majority of my life being very selfish, stingy and greedy… but meeting a need or the desperate cry of someone’s heart gives me great pleasure. I have learned that when I give I am being a good steward – especially when I am instructed to do something out of the ordinary by God. It increases my faith and boosts my joy… I have also seen how God has increased what He gives me… Some of His blessings came my way – not for my pocket – but as the next seed.
There have been so many times that I have given of my last but have never doubted God to meet any of my needs – or wait no… That’s not the truth (AT ALL)… I have spent plenty days and nights wondering where to next… Questioning whether I just did the right thing by giving THAT away... But in the end I had to force my mind to stay on God’s promises and on the 1000’s of testimonies I already have of what He has brought me through.
God works in ways we truly cannot see – when I have been stuck opportunities have popped up for me to sing at an event or SARS decides to reward me with some cash-back… Often times SAMRO pays money into my account for a song or two of mine playing on the radio… and the list is endless.
May I encourage you – perhaps you holding on too tight to a seed that will touch someone’s heart and bring you a greater harvest when you need it most… allow God to grow and develop your faith to a new level. He knows it’s costing you and that sacrifice is worship unto Him.
Remember this – and this is the hardest test of all – once you’ve given – it’s a gift – it’s not your concern what that person does with what you’ve given them – that’s between them and God – and God see’s their good or bad stewardship – don’t allow your heart to get involved in the business that belongs to God… your seed is sown with joy – water it with the LOVE of GOD… and see the AMAZING things that happen – to your faith and to the people around you.
Remember that really ancient but totally legend song by ALVIN SLAUGHTER – THAT’s WHEN? Writing this post reminds me of the words of that song… take a listen here: