Wednesday, 14 November 2012

What’s that you have in your hand...?

I love to give… it’s not my first nor strongest motivational gift. But giving is great and doesn’t have to be a motivational gift to be able to flow from your heart. It’s an attitude towards God and the people around you. It’s an expression of Love…

I haven’t always been a giver – in fact, I have spent majority of my life being very selfish, stingy and greedy… but meeting a need or the desperate cry of someone’s heart gives me great pleasure. I have learned that when I give I am being a good steward – especially when I am instructed to do something out of the ordinary by God. It increases my faith and boosts my joy… I have also seen how God has increased what He gives me… Some of His blessings came my way – not for my pocket – but as the next seed.

There have been so many times that I have given of my last but have never doubted God to meet any of my needs – or wait no… That’s not the truth (AT ALL)… I have spent plenty days and nights wondering where to next… Questioning whether I just did the right thing by giving THAT away... But in the end I had to force my mind to stay on God’s promises and on the 1000’s of testimonies I already have of what He has brought me through.

God works in ways we truly cannot see – when I have been stuck opportunities have popped up for me to sing at an event or SARS decides to reward me with some cash-back… Often times SAMRO pays money into my account for a song or two of mine playing on the radio… and the list is endless.

May I encourage you – perhaps you holding on too tight to a seed that will touch someone’s heart and bring you a greater harvest when you need it most… allow God to grow and develop your faith to a new level. He knows it’s costing you and that sacrifice is worship unto Him.

Remember this – and this is the hardest test of all – once you’ve given – it’s a gift – it’s not your concern what that person does with what you’ve given them – that’s between them and God – and God see’s their good or bad stewardship – don’t allow your heart to get involved in the business that belongs to God… your seed is sown with joy – water it with the LOVE of GOD… and see the AMAZING things that happen – to your faith and to the people around you.

Remember that really ancient but totally legend song by ALVIN SLAUGHTER – THAT’s WHEN? Writing this post reminds me of the words of that song… take a listen here:


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Hungry for Love

Whenever we hear about a “testimony” we always think big things, obvious things, life changing things… but today’s testimony is about something very simple – a prayer answered by God.
Years ago I was sitting in my office feeling lonely (it was shortly after my family moved to live in the UK so I was struggling a little) – at that point emotions dictated everything in my life – and I thank God for helping me grow stronger in Him. I was so hungry for God’s love – but didn’t realize that that was what I needed until He was the only one I could turn to…
I reckon that sometimes we are so quick to turn to people instead of God to meet our needs or to be our problem solver – even in the smallest things. Someone makes us angry and the first thing we do is pick up the phone to off-load on a friend… or we cry out, “Lord how am “I” gonna clean up this mess”? But God knows just what to do to make everything work out for our good.
… That particular day I just prayed silently but with sincerity in my heart. “Lord I need your Love so much… I need to know you are still real and still there and that you LOVE me and desire for me to KNOW your love personally, Please wont you organize me some lunch… that will make me feel so loved”…
Not even 5 minutes later I got a call from Kathy saying that she really just had it on my heart to get me some lunch…
My heart just burst and I couldn’t hold back the tears... I was filled with such awe and gratitude – that the God who is so BIG can take care of things so small… just because He loves us… He heard my prayer and met my need right there where I was at…
I am so grateful to God for His Love… and I am so glad that I have that open door to ask him to share it with me in a special way.

Still taken from: The Visual Bible - Matthew - my favourite scene where Jesus becons us to come follow Him :)

I know He’ll do the same for you too!