Monday, 27 May 2013

Green with Envy...?

I have really enjoyed Bible School this year. And I am so glad that I have been able to learn everything that I have learned.

Pastor Shaun has been teaching on a subject titled "financial fitness". And in this subject he covers envy. Initially I thought wow... Interesting perspective until I realized there was something in this teaching the Holy Spirit wanted me to see in a specific area of my life.

Envy can only take root in the heart of some one who has become ungrateful. We all start out being very grateful for everything in life. Grateful to have a bed to sleep in, grateful to have a nice warm house... Grateful for friends and family - and the list goes on. Until we see someone who has something we don't have and feel that we deserve to have that same thing too. Thats where the little seed of starts to grow... What should be a privilege becomes what we are "entitled to". And trust me... one sure negative sign is when you find yourself saying "but Lord, I have served you and honored you with my life...". I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have pulled that stunt on God... And if there is something that God does not fall for its manipulation.

God would love to give us everything our hearts desire. If only we'd ask him. And perhaps before asking, consider our motive for wanting what we desire so badly to have. He knows us best and will give us only good gifts.

If you have a little "envy fever" and don't know how to stop that ugly green monster from rearing its head... make a nice long list of all you DO have and start with things like, eye sight, the ability to even hear sound. I have made a list... It really puts things in perspective... Plus... How many times would someone not desire what you have... So... Fully Enjoy what you have on behalf of others!

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